Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)
What is PSG?
The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) supports companies keen on adopting IT solutions and equipment to enhance business processes. For a start, PSG covers sector-specific solutions including the retail, food, logistics, precision engineering, construction and landscaping industries.
Are you eligible for PSG?
You may apply for PSG if your organization meet the following criteria:
• Registered and operating in Singapore.
• Annual turnover not exceeding S$100 million.
• Employee size not exceeding 200 hundred employees.
• Purchase/lease/subscription of the IT solutions/equipment/consultancy service must be used in Singapore. (For selected solutions only)
• Have a minimum of 30% local shareholding.
Business Solutions eligible for PSG:
Illum (9)’s Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Solutions Pre-approved Digital Solutions under IMDA (Infocomm Media Development Authority).
With up to 50% funding support, PSG serves as an avenue for companies to make long-term technology investments. The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) supports companies keen on leveraging on technology to help to grow business.
Additional SFEC support available
Eligible employers for Skills Future Enterprise Credit (SFEC) will receive a one-off $10,000 credit to cover up to 90% of the out of pocket expenses on qualifying costs.
Claim up to 90% out of pocket costs